
are your own
soul mate

- rupi kaur, milk and honey

About Shannon Marie, M.A.

I am honored to hold space for you, to witness you in your personal evolution and on your spiritual journey. My approach to healing takes place at the crossroads, that liminal place where our lives touch spirit and spirit inspires us.I find intuitive energy work to be incredibly empowering because it affirms and connects people to their inner voice, their own guidance, intuition, innate healing tools, and resourced Wisdom-Selves

I have training in various healing modalities including Intuition Medicine©, Feng Shui (Bagua School), flower essence therapy, Reiki, Rosen Method, Polarity Therapy and gemstone healing. My academic background is in comparative mythology, philosophy, divination, and women’s mysteries. 

I utilize my education and training to help hold space for clients to relax into connection with their own personal power, resonance, spiritual information, and life force. Healing happens in that state of grace, which is a space of fullness, self-love, and nurturance. 

My agenda: I insist on being gentle. I’m not going to “fix” you (I refuse to believe that you are broken).  We’re not going for perfection in a healing (!) – together, we are holding space for your full presence: your spirit grounded in your body, you holding yourself in self-love, acceptance, gratitude.

Why I do the work I do


Since my earliest memories I have been able to see, feel, hear and sense emotions, energy and subtle information. Full disclosure: This made me feel less “special” than it did “insecure and vulnerable” and eventually I had to get good at taking care of myself as a sensitive person, just so I could make it through the day. Along the way, I’ve discovered that I am good at helping other sensitive people negotiate some of the challenges on the path. 

Being a human can be stressful. We all can lose our ground sometimes. I know I can. And that is a perfect moment to reach out for a healing.

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On Devotion & the Divine Feminine


I have had a life-long interest in spirituality, mysticism, and the inner life. I became interested in prayer, meditation, and divination when I was a teenager. I recognized myself as a devotee of the Divine Mother when I was 19 while living in an ashram in San Francisco. I went on to academically devour philosophy, comparative mythology, goddess studies, and took many magical detours into various kinds of contemplative practice, prayer, ritual, and the devotional arts.

Education & Training

  • MA in Women’s Spirituality from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California. 

  • BA in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine.

  • MIM Master Certification in Intuition Medicine© from the Academy of Intuition Medicine© in Sausalito California.

  • Feng Shui (Bagua School) Formal Training, Levels 1 & 2 at the Silver Moon School of Feng Shui in Brattleboro, VT.

  • Polarity Therapy Training – Homer, Alaska

  • Flower Essence Practitioner Training – Homer, Alaska

  • Reiki One and Two Trainings – New England


~ May you be resourced in the divine feminine ~

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